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Those who attend BASH will have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy an exclusive selection of wines offered for tasting from several award winning wineries of the historic Santa Cruz Mountain Appellation. This is a very special opportunity to meet some of the local vintners and learn about their winemaking process. You can support student programs while you enjoy the celebrated fruits of the wineries that are generously supporting PCS. The participating wineries are listed below on the left.

Hummingbird Garden Delight

Six (1) gallon plants with Hummingbird feeder and book "the Hummingbird" valued @ $125 
One good way to enjoy the company of hummingbirds is planting a hummingbird garden. In addition to providing them a natural diet, a hummer garden is an excellent way to attract birds to your nearby feeder. Since hummingbirds feed by sight on regularly followed routes - called traplining - their inquisitive nature will quickly lead them to investigate a possible new source of food.
These six plants, and additional seed packets are natural attractions for hummingbirds, along with feeder, and the book "The Hummingbird" and will be the start to hours of enjoying the flight of one of nature's wonders.

Generously donated by Molly Slete & Luen Miller, Nursury & PCS Parent Community Members